On December 11 fight of snowmen in the run-up to the Total forum of the All-Russian project "Towards to the Universiade" by Headquarters of the Universiade-2019 of SFU with assistance of Management of youth policy of university has been organized.
Teams of 19 institutes of the Siberian federal university were involved in fight, and also have disclosed the talents, having shown it in the creative works. I also have decided not to lag behind and there were on it meeropriyatiya as volunteer.
Our students despite bad weather have made the most present works of art of snow, besides they have perfectly had fun, have received a storm of emotions, again have felt children. At any time children could come to get warm to the building, to drink hot tea with sweets.
At any time children could come to get warm to the building, to drink hot tea with sweets.

After works were ready, the jury has begun to sum up the results, and at this time participants participated in various competitions to get warm. By results of a competition the Construction institute and Institute of fundamental biology and biotechnology became winners.